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Some recordings of yoga practices, meditations and yoga nidra for you to enjoy at home. For more of this join me for a one to one or group class or on retreat.
Sunbird Vinyasa
This gentle practice is great for when you want to take time to feel grounded and calmer. Taken from Mukunda Styles' book Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy. You can repeat this as many times as you like.
Yoga Series for Better Sleep
This short yoga series is designed to do before bed (even in bed) to help you relax, let go of tension and quiet your mind so you can sleep better and feel more rested.
Sa Ta Na Ma Meditation
A simple meditation practice that can help you to feel calmer and overcome stress and anxiety.
Compassion Meditation
Compassion and loving kindness meditations have been shown to have numerous benefits to our mental health and wellbeing. It can feel tricky to connect to the feelings in these meditations at first but with practice it becomes easier. Do reach out to me if you want support with this practice.
Yoga Nidra
Yoga nidra is a wonderful way to unwind and relax. No need to move, just find somewhere you can sit or lay comfortably without being disturbed.
The Meadow Yoga Nidra
Full Moon Yoga Nidra
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